* denotes equal contributions; ^ means corresponding author; + denotes the students (co-)supervised by Dr. Chen.
Elsevier IST'19 T. Chen^, M. Li and X. Yao. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Seeding Search-based Multi-Objective Optimization with Prior Knowledge for Software Service Composition. Elsevier Information and Software Technology, vol. 114, 2019.

ICSE/SEAMS'19 T. Chen^. All Versus One: An Empirical Comparison on Retrained and Incremental Machine Learning for Modeling Performance of Adaptable Software. The 14th
International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and
Self-Managing Systems, SEAMS in conjunction with the 41st
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE),
Montreal, Canada, 2019.

ICWS'19 S. Kumar+, T. Chen, R.Bahsoon and R. Buyya. Identifying and Estimating Technical Debt for Service Composition in SaaS Cloud. The 14th
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS),
Milan, Italy, 2019.

GECCO'19 M. Liu+, K. Li and T. Chen. Security Testing of Web Applications: A Search-Based Approach for Detecting SQL Injection Vulnerabilities. The 21st ACM
International Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2019),
Prague, Czech, 2019.